I just happened to be in Walmart yesterday and saw these marked half off. I had contemplated buying one for a couple weeks, but waiting until after Valentine's Day paid off. At this time of year I am absolutely longing for flowers, so a miniature rosebush seemed ideal. It's a bright spot in a usually dreary month.
It's always a happy day when the first seed catalog of the year arrives, but it's an even happier day when the seeds themselves come! We've got seeds for butternut squash, peas, pole beans, carrots, tomatoes, decorative gourds and little pumpkins, flowers ~ oh, lots of things. Later when the weather is warmer, our apple trees, strawberry plants, lavender, shasta daisies, prairie mallow, lemon tree (for indoors), and climbing roses will arrive. Today, I started lettuce in a pot. It's too soon to plant lettuce outside, but I've read of people growing lettuce indoors in pots, so I decided to try. These pellets from Henry Field's contain a few different kinds of lettuce. I'm anxious to see how it gets on. For now, I'm happy to have something growing again. Last year we moved here too late for a garden. This year we may have bitten off more than we can chew, but I hope not!
See the seed pellet?
How much happier can a homeschool mother be than when her daughter raids her father's bookshelves for pleasure reading and chooses Cicero, Euripides, Ovid, and the like? Girl of the House has a love for ancient literature. It's her father's DNA, not mine, that's responsible!
I don't have a photo for {real} this week. I would not subject the world-wide web to it. You see, Girl of the House had a stomach bug this week. Did I mention she had a different stomach bug last week? Sigh. Poor thing. She's much, much better today. I only hope she's met her quota for illnesses this winter!
Man of the House is susceptible to migraine headaches and he has a had one for the past four days. Or maybe it's four different headaches. That (and worse!) has been known to happen. I feel for him because he cannot take off work. He just pushes through them as best he can, and I help him as best I can. Thankfully, next week there is no on-line school, so he'll only be working one job and can rest some. That's what he needs most . . . that and prayer.
**An announcement: I hereby do pledge and resolve to try to post more often. I have lots of ideas, just not lots of time. I make no promises except to try. :-)
Good luck with your lettuce in a pot - I've got spring fever, what with this mild winter.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your hubby and daughter being sick.
Love the roses.
I'm sorry to hear about your husband :( I do hope he is feeling better soon, and I will even say a prayer for him :) Good luck with your gardening plans, I know this time of year just having the seeds around can be inspiring. I love your little rose bush as well.