Doesn't this melt your heart? Look at that fuzzy head, those bright eyes, those rosy cheeks, and that adorable toothless grin! This is my six-month-old granddaughter, Verity, who is the spittin' image of her mother at this age. And I haven't seen her (or her equally adorable sister) since Christmas. Boo! Lord willing, that will be remedied at Easter.
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Photo taken by Lizzie |
My mother turns 85 today, and we celebrated with a party yesterday. Let's see, there were her four daughters, two sons-in-law, five of her grandchildren along with four spouses, three great-grandchildren, a nephew and his wife, two great-nephews plus one wife and one significant other. And a partridge in a pear tree. It was just the kind of celebration she likes. For so many decades my mother has been the memory-maker for the extended family, and her service to us all has earned her much love and respect.
The geese seem to have forgiven us for the frozen pond last week. They returned to a fair bit of open water two days ago. Sections of the pond were still covered with a thin layer of slushy ice, but that didn't stop this goose, you broke through like an ice-breaker. See the path he left in his wake?
And speaking of the pond, we saw the turtles sunning themselves today for the first time this spring!
Awww, your grand daughter is a total heart melter!! I'm sure Easter can't get here fast enough for you!! Birthday blessings to your mom! Glad to hear Brother Cardinal flew away after a bit of recovery time, poor thing. Have a blessed week+