February, not April, is the cruellest month no matter what Mr. Eliot says. Winter has lost its charm and spring is still too far off. This week was a dull, gray one in my part of the world except for Thursday when we had a day of welcome sunshine. Even scissors are beautified by sunshine!
More glorious sunshine:
What's happier than a birthday? Last Saturday was Girl of the House's 15th. The tradition in our family is that the birthday girl/boy gets to choose the dinner menu. Girl 2 chose corned beef, put-back potatoes (readers of Milly-Molly-Mandy will recognize those!), peas, homemade bread, and blueberry pie instead of a cake. After she opened presents, we played Settlers of Catan. We are addicted! The next day Girl 2's friend, who wasn't available on Saturday, went with us to a local pasta place after church. Then we played more Settlers, but I forgot to take pictures, alas. Here are some shots of Saturday:
Visit Like Mothers, Like Daughters for more {phfr} fun!
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