An early spring means the violets are out in March instead of April (although since this is our first spring in this part of the country, we aren't sure what the normal time is here). I love so many flowers that I couldn't say which are my favorites, but these sweet little blossoms certainly are contenders for the top spot. In our old house, I always reminded the neighbor boy who mowed our lawn not to mown down the violets. I'd take him on a little tour and show him where they were just to be sure. Now that we live in a parsonage and the church takes care of the lawn for us, I don't feel like I can let great swaths of the lawn grow long just to save the violets. So when the mowers showed up last week, Girl of the House and I dashed outside and picked as many as we could before the massacre began. I'm always mystified that people will blithely and willingly and mercilessly wreak such havoc amongst the violet populations in their yards!
Here's a picture of some of the {pretty} violets we saved from a certain and gruesome death at the hands of pitiless mowers~
Every year since we have lived too far to be at my mother's house for Easter (and that's been since 1995), she has sent us a box of Easter goodies. Girl Out of the House was five years old when the first one was delivered, and now Grandma sends her and That Boy their own box each year. When the Easter box arrives, all activity ceases and we open it right then and there. It's a {happy} tradition for our family!
Though a picture can't convey how {funny} this little boy is, let me assure you that he is amusing. He spent some time at our house one day this week while everyone else needed to be at a Very Important Meeting. This little guy talks non-stop, but it was a pleasure to have again a little person to read to, explore with, and just enjoy. He was captivated by playing around on "Pastor's viola," but I couldn't get a picture of him trying it out because, well, I busy holding it, not a camera. Here is my little friend playing with some blocks we have saved for just such occasions~
Visit Like Mother, Like Daughter for more {phfr} fun!